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PostgreSQL , 到达时间不确定 , 补齐 , JOIN
4、合并订单 与 物流信息
create table a ( id int8, -- 订单号 tid int8, -- 物流ID info text, -- 订单信息,用一个TEXT字段代替(略) crt_time timestamp -- 时间 ); create index idx_a_1 on a(id); create index idx_a_2 on a(tid);
create table b ( tid int8, -- 物流ID info text, -- 物流其他属性,例如轨迹,用一个TEXT字段代替(略) status int, -- 物流状态(比如 0,揽件,1,已发出,2,已送达,3,已签收,。。。。。使用最大的号代表最终状态) crt_time timestamp -- 时间 ); create index idx_b_1 on b (tid, status);
create table c ( id int8 primary key, -- 订单号 tb b[], -- 物流轨迹聚合 info text, -- 订单信息,用一个TEXT字段代替(略) crt_time timestamp -- 时间 ); create index idx_c_final on c (id) where get_status(tb) <> 3;
-- 通过物流单号得到相关订单,返回数组 create or replace function get_id (int8) returns int8[] as $$ select array_agg(id) from a where tid=$1; $$ language sql strict;
-- 通过物流单号得到物流轨迹数据,返回物流表数组 create or replace function get_tid (int8) returns b[] as $$ select array_agg(b) from b where tid=$1; $$ language sql strict;
-- 通过物流轨迹,得到物流最终状态 create or replace function get_status(b[]) returns int as $$ select max(unnest) from (select (unnest($1)).status as unnest) t; $$ language sql strict immutable;
select unnest(get_tid(订单号));
select id from a where tid in (select tid from a where id=订单号);
-- 存在重复劳动 insert into c (id, tb, info, crt_time) select a.id, b.tb, a.info, a.crt_time from a join (select tid, array_agg(b order by status) as tb from b group by tid) b using (tid) on conflict (id) do update set tb=excluded.tb, info=excluded.info, crt_time=excluded.crt_time where c.tb<>excluded.tb or c.info=excluded.info or c.crt_time=excluded.crt_time;
-- 结构务必保持一致,而且将来改动a,b结构的时候a1,b1,a2,b2也要保持一致。create table a1(like a); create table b1(like b); create table a2(like a); create table b2(like b);
-- 1、切换begin; set lock_timeout ='1s'; -- 切换表名 alter table a1 rename to a3; alter table b1 rename to b3; alter table a2 rename to a1; alter table b2 rename to b1; end;-- 2、增量合并begin; set lock_timeout ='1s'; lock table a3 in ACCESS EXCLUSIVE mode;lock table b3 in ACCESS EXCLUSIVE mode;-- 写入增量到主表 insert into a select * from a3; insert into b select * from b3; -- 将a表的增量合并到C insert into c (id, tb, info, crt_time) select a.id, b.tb, a.info, a.crt_time from a3 a join (select tid, array_agg(b order by status) as tb from b group by tid) b using (tid) on conflict (id) do update set tb=c.tb||excluded.tb, info=excluded.info, crt_time=excluded.crt_time; -- 将b表的增量合并到C insert into c (id, tb, info, crt_time) select a.id, b.tb, a.info, a.crt_time from a join (select tid, array_agg(row(b.*)::b order by status) as tb from b3 b group by tid) b using (tid) on conflict (id) do update set tb=c.tb||excluded.tb, info=excluded.info, crt_time=excluded.crt_time; -- 清除临时表增量数据 truncate a3; truncate b3; -- 切换表名 alter table a3 rename to a2; alter table b3 rename to b2; end;
select id from c where get_status(tb) <> 3; -- 极速 postgres=# explain select id from c where get_status(tb) <> 3; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using idx_c_final on c (cost=0.12..20.79 rows=746 width=8) (1 row)